Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
„St. Kliment Ohridski“ University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
The aim of the international conference ESPERA 2016 is to present and evaluate the economic scientific research portfolio, to argue and substantiate Romanian development strategies – including European and global best practices.
The plenary session and the parallel sections are centred on priority research directions in the field of economic and social sciences of the 'Romanian Academy Research Strategy 2014-2020', respectively: Romania's sustainable economic and social development - models, scenarios, evaluations; natural resources patrimony - costs and benefits of its valorisation; knowledge, innovation, smart development and human capital; economy dynamics and structural changes for a competitive growth; European integration and globalisation - new challenges; economic instability and stabilisation policies; development and improvement of economic and social forecasting tools; food safety and security – challenges for agriculture economic development; assessment of economic, social and political experiences and thoughts; contributions to the New Encyclopaedia of Romania; quality of life and social policies evaluations; demographic facts and figures.
The edition 2016 of ESPERA intend to explore two-three main concerns of the researchers in the field of economic and social sciences regarding the future development challenges of the Romania and Europe and the possible solutions identified. |